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Electronic Components Kit for Arduino - H008 |
Qty |
Building plate | 1 |
Breadboard - 830 points | 1 |
Header - straight - 1x40 pin - male | 1 |
Servo motor 9g - SG90 | 1 |
Jumper wires - different lenghts | 65 |
Potentiometer - 10K | 1 |
Resistor - 220R/1K/10K | 30 |
Push button | 4 |
Push button Caps - different colours | 4 |
Shift register | 1 |
1 x LED 7-segment display | 1 |
4 x LED 7-segment display | 1 |
LED matrix display 8x8 | 1 |
Buzzer | 2 |
LED - Yellow/Red/Blue/Green | 40 |
LED - RGB | 1 |
Temperature sensor | 1 |
Diode | 2 |
Tilt sensor | 2 |
Thermistor | 2 |
Photoresistor | 2 |
Capacitor - Ceramic - 10NF/100NF | 25 |
Flame sensor | 1 |
Plastic box | 1 |