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FarmBot Inc is a California Benefit Corporation founded in San Luis Obispo in July of 2016. Our mission is to grow a community that produces free and open source hardware plans, software, data, and documentation enabling everyone to build and operate a farming machine. Our vision is to create an open and accessible technology aiding everyone to grow food and to grow food for everyone.
Watch founder Rory Aronson share this vision in his 2014 TEDx talk at UCLA:
As a benefit corporation, we have coded into our bylaws the following specific public benefit purposes. This legally binds our company to pursue these purposes in addition to the traditional sole purpose of a corporation of producing profit for its shareholders. It is our way of staying true and accountable to our mission and vision, as well as people and the planet.
The benefit purposes are in no particular order.
Our company is founded on the belief that a more open food system is a better one. The following aspects of our products will be openly shared at the time the product is publicly released:
We believe that business is a powerful agent for change, and like our products, it can be more powerful when its details are openly shared for inspection, modification, and replication by others. The following aspects of our business will be shared for the benefit of our company, our customers, aspiring entrepreneurs, and the FarmBot community at large.
Each year, we shall contribute one percent (1%) of our annual net revenue towards furthering The FarmBot Project’s mission to “Grow a community that produces free and open-source hardware plans, software, data, and documentation enabling everyone to build and operate a farming machine.” Contributions shall consist of cash, products, and services that directly help to maintain and grow the community.
We strive to do the right thing in every situation: for each other, our customers, the environment, and all of our stakeholders. We make ethics, integrity, transparency, and community the cornerstones of our business.
5 000,00 €
37 672,50 HRK
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7 500,00 €
56 508,75 HRK
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