Pi-Puck Extension for e-puck 2
712,50 €
650,00 €
587,50 €
1 687,50 €
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LattePanda is a fully functional single board computer that runs Windows 10 or Linux operating system. Conceptually similar to the Raspberry Pi computer, it is designed as a compact and powerful computing platform that can be used for a wider range of applications, including more complex software development, Internet of Things (IoT) projects of varying complexity, and media playback. The computer uses Intel Atom processors with a dedicated coprocessor to manage general purpose input/output (GPIO) pins similar to those found on Raspberry Pi computers.
LattePanda Sigma is a hackable x86 Windows / Linux single board server with mighty power.
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1 469,00 €
11 068,18 HRK
LattePanda Sigma is a hackable x86 Windows / Linux single board server with mighty power.
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1 560,00 €
11 753,82 HRK
LattePanda 3 Delta Single Board Computer now features a 2.5G Ethernet port for superior...
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539,00 €
4 061,10 HRK
LattePanda 2 Alpha 864s is a high-performance, pocket-sized SBC (single board computer)...
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625,00 €
4 709,06 HRK
LattePanda 2 Alpha 864s is a high-performance, pocket-sized SBC (single board computer)...
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675,00 €
5 085,79 HRK
LattePanda 2 Alpha 864s (Win10 Pro activated) is a high-performance, pocket-sized SBC...
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735,00 €
5 537,86 HRK
LattePanda v1 is the smallest x86 single board computer in the world which can execute...
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222,00 €
1 672,66 HRK
LattePanda v1 is the smallest x86 single board computer in the world which can execute...
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355,00 €
2 674,75 HRK